Take the OneNKY Challenge!
The OneNKY community is on an upward trajectory and there is a true opportunity to create strong systemic excellence as we consider our future.
What commitment will YOU make to Change it Up in OneNKY?
Indicate your interest through a note to Info@OneNKYAlliance.com
Here are a few ways YOU can help create systemic excellence:

Join a board or run for election to move key organizations and our community forward. Learn more here.
- Become a OneNKY Ambassador for regional events including River Roots in October 2025. We need people who can communicate the attributes of our OneNKY community as volunteers at various events.
Help with the annual OneNKY Summit that calls for business and community input on a variety of initiatives. Table captains, scribes and ambassador roles are available for participation. Email to learn more.
Support LinkNKY – incubated and launched by the OneNKY Alliance has a variety of opportunities related to Business Development, Marketing, Fundraising and Content.
Become a Breathe Easy ambassador! Residents who are serious about health can make a tremendous impact by supporting a smoke-free community through petition and business support, outreach to elected officials and community members. Email to learn more.
- Volunteer with the OneNKY Connector Trail project that will create 30+ miles of walking and biking paths across 3 counties and 7 cities. As the Trail becomes a reality there are opportunities to assist with upkeep and general communication about the Trail availability and its attributes.
Sign the Breath Easy petition to support a smoke-free ordinance to make our town a safer and healthier place to grow up, work, and live in Northern Kentucky.
- Sign up for the EducateNKY monthly newsletter
- Tutor a student through Northern Kentucky Education Council’s One to One Reading Program
Mentor a student through the Partners for Change Mentoring Program
Partner with a Adopt a Class so your company can expose students to breadth of life and career experiences
Partner with NaviGo College and Career Prep Services
Volunteer at events throughout the school year through a school’s Family Resource or Youth Services Center. Email to get connected to a school near you.
Donate funds and/or supplies directly to schools in need. You can give directly to Crayons to Computers, which serves all River City school districts in NKY.
Sponsor events throughout the school year through a school’s Family Resource or Youth Services Center. Email to get connected to a school near you.
Join a Family Resource or Youth Services Center Advisory Committee. Email to get connected to a school near you.
Attend or join a School Based Decision Making Council (SBDM). Email to learn more about SBDMs.
Run for your local Board of Education. Email to learn more about the process of running for your local school board.
The team at EducateNKY stands ready to help you find the perfect fit for getting involved in our schools. Feel free to call or email at any time.

Connecting Community
There is synergy that comes from connecting people through communication, shared values, and collaboration. When individuals come together, their collective voice is amplified and has a greater resonance. OneNKY and its champions can help catalyze exciting opportunities.
We, as the OneNKY community, want our voices to be heard by our capital city (Frankfort), the Governor, our neighbors in adjacent states, and beyond. One day we will be easily recognized not just as a place on the map, but a special place to live, work, and grow up because of our unity of purpose and resolve, our quality of life found in unified expression…our culture.
Indicate your interest through a note to Info@OneNKYAlliance.com